What is my purpose? Who is Jesus? How should I live my life? At Asian Baptist Student Koinonia (ABSK), we welcome all Hoya Graduate Students to join us to study the Bible and address some of these life questions. If it’s your first time learning about the bible, or a committed Christian looking to grow deeper in your relationship with God, join us! After studying the Bible, we fellowship; hang out, and get to know each other! Sign up to receive our information.

Bible Study Topics
- Check out our Facebook page for weekly event announcements.
We’re studying the gospel of Mark, verse by verse, through inductive bible study. Through these messages, living a life apart from God, we would not be able to experience true freedom. Jesus shows us that our faith, understanding, and perception are not enough, so we need to go deeper. God prepares the way. Join us to discuss and learn how to go deeper into His words and live a cross-bearing life.
Upcoming Calendar Items!
Our campus bible studies location: Georgetown Main Campus, Reynolds Hall Room 130, Library Walk Entrance.
- Thursday, February 16, 2023 — Bible Study on campus
- No Bible Study on Thursday, February 23rd
- Spring Break: March 3rd to March 10th